Thursday, February 19, 2009

Need your opinion...

Hey, everyone!

The big news this week is that we have been working hard on putting the website together so it can be an informative and entertaining tool for everyone to find out about the project news and info. Basically, the idea is that it is made for YOU.

So, it makes perfect sense for us to try and find out what you think about how it look and about what kind of information you would like to see there.  When you have some time, go to our website and check it out. Sign up for the mailing list. Send us an e-mail or a message telling us what your favorite thing about it is, what is the section you like/dislike the most.

Especially, I would like to know if the texts on the website are too long or boring or if they are fine. Let us know what kind of thing you would like us to talk about and what kind of thing you would like us to share about the project. By the way, that goes for the BLOG too...of course.

Anyway, the main thing is, I would like for this whole project to be completely geared for the listeners and viewers. This is about you, let's make it a two way conversation!



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