Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Break!!

Hey, everyone!

First of all, let me congratulate our dear Amy Mantis, the winner of the competition! As promised, she will be getting her own free and signed copies of both the CD and DVD of Project K-Paz once they are released! Also, Lucas, the second to answer, will get a free copy of the CD! Thanks to both for reading and for making the comments! Keep it up!

Now, the news!

Last week, we had Jon Hsu come and make videos of our jams here at Berklee! It's me on guitar and Pablo on Drums. Laurent is still in France, so we had a Matias Alvear, a friend, play the bass. Josh was recording in Pittsburg, so he couldn't make it either. Here is a little piece of the jam, fresh for the BLOG readers:

Let us know what you think of the footage, it is just a mockup, but a little taste of what's to come!

Now, this following week is our Spring Break, so we are out of town for a while, but the project is still moving. We have made progress in the DVD front after some great meetings with Jon while he was in Boston, and we're also just waiting to hear from Avatar to confirm our session booking.  But don't worry, we'll keep you posted.

Rock on!


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